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NCryptoki Wiki
Modified on 2017/07/20 12:19
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Welcome to '''{WIKITITLE}'''!{BR} NCryptoki is a library for .NET framework that implements the PKCS#11 specifications and supplies an API for C#, VB.NET, Visual Basic 6, Delphi and other COM interop languages for integrating a PKCS#11 compliant token/HSM in any application. The home of NCryptoki is here: [http://www.ncryptoki.com/] The PKCS#11 specification can be downloaded from here: [^{UP}/docs/pkcs-11v2-20.pdf|PKCS#11 2.20] A good place to know more about how to use NCryptoki is also the [http://www.ncryptoki.com/forum.aspx|NCryptoki Forum] '''Wiki Table of Contents''' # [Introduction-to-NCryptoki|Introduction to NCryptoki] # [Introduction-to-PKCS-11-specifications|Introduction to PKCS#11 specifications] # [More-in-depth-in-NCryptoki|More in depth in NCryptoki] # [Installation] # [Known-PKCS-11-modules|Known PKCS#11 modules] # [http://ncryptoki.com/SharedFiles/Download.aspx?pageid=7&mid=17&fileid=6|Quick Guide] # [http://www.cryptware.com/apidoc/ncryptoki/html/index.html|NCryptoki API Documentation] # [http://www.cryptware.com/apidoc/jcryptoki/index.html|JCryptoki API Documentation] # [How-to-redistribute-NCryptki|How to redistribute NCryptoki] # [How-NCryptoki-manages-PKCS-11-errors|How NCryptoki manages PKCS#11 errors] # [License-Installation|How to install the license] # [Java Tutorial] '''Virtual Cryptoki''' # [Virtual-Cryptoki|Virtual Cryptoki Quick Guide] '''How to use NCryptoki in C#''' # [CSharp Tutorial|C# Tutorial] # [Attach-NCryptoki-to-native-PKCS-11-dll|Attach NCryptoki to native PKCS#11 dll] # [List-all-keys-Public-and-Private|List all keys, Public and Private] # [How-to-import-an-X509-Certificate|How to import an X509 Certificate] # [How-to-import-a-pfx-or-a-p12-file|How to import a .pfx or a .p12 file] # [How-to-generate-an-RSA-Key-Pair|How to generate an RSA Key Pair] # [How-to-generate-a-PKCS-10-certification-request-in-C|How to generate a PKCS#10 certification request] # [How-to-manage-a-mechanisms-parameter|How to manage a mechanism parameter] # [How-to-extract-a-private-key|How to extract an RSA private key] # [How-to-extract-an-RSA-public-key|How to extract an RSA public key] # [How-to-extract-a-DES-secret-key|How to extract a DES secret key] # [How-to-extract-an-X509Certificate|How to extract an X509Certificate] # [Encrypt-and-Decrypt-with-a-DES3-key|Encrypt and Decrypt with a DES3 key] '''How to use NCryptoki in VB.NET''' # [How-to-generate-a-PKCS-10-certification-request-in-VB-NET|How to generate a PKCS#10 certification request] '''How to use NCryptoki in VB.6''' # [VB6 Tutorial] '''How to use NCryptoki in Delphi''' # Under Construction
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