How NCryptoki manages PKCS#11 errors

Modified on 2011/06/01 22:18 by Administrator — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The class CryptokiException wraps all errors defined in the PKCS#11 2.20 specification. The property ErrorCode gives the error code returned by the underlying PKCS#11. Refer to this class the understand the meaning of an error.

This is the error definition table:

public const int CKR_OK                                = 0x00000000;
public const int CKR_CANCEL                            = 0x00000001;
public const int CKR_HOST_MEMORY                       = 0x00000002;
public const int CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID                   = 0x00000003;

/* CKR_FLAGS_INVALID was removed for v2.0 */

/* CKR_GENERAL_ERROR and CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED are new for v2.0 */
public const int CKR_GENERAL_ERROR                     = 0x00000005;
public const int CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED                   = 0x00000006;

 * and CKR_CANT_LOCK are new for v2.01 */
public const int CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD                     = 0x00000007;
public const int CKR_NO_EVENT                          = 0x00000008;
public const int CKR_NEED_TO_CREATE_THREADS            = 0x00000009;
public const int CKR_CANT_LOCK                         = 0x0000000A;

public const int CKR_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY               = 0x00000010;
public const int CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE               = 0x00000011;
public const int CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID            = 0x00000012;
public const int CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID           = 0x00000013;
public const int CKR_DATA_INVALID                      = 0x00000020;
public const int CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE                    = 0x00000021;
public const int CKR_DEVICE_ERROR                      = 0x00000030;
public const int CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY                     = 0x00000031;
public const int CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED                    = 0x00000032;
public const int CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID            = 0x00000040;
public const int CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE          = 0x00000041;
public const int CKR_FUNCTION_CANCELED                 = 0x00000050;
public const int CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_PARALLEL             = 0x00000051;

/* CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED is new for v2.0 */
public const int CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED            = 0x00000054;

public const int CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID                = 0x00000060;

/* CKR_KEY_SENSITIVE was removed for v2.0 */

public const int CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE                    = 0x00000062;
public const int CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT             = 0x00000063;

 * v2.0 */
public const int CKR_KEY_NOT_NEEDED                    = 0x00000064;
public const int CKR_KEY_CHANGED                       = 0x00000065;
public const int CKR_KEY_NEEDED                        = 0x00000066;
public const int CKR_KEY_INDIGESTIBLE                  = 0x00000067;
public const int CKR_KEY_FUNCTION_NOT_PERMITTED        = 0x00000068;
public const int CKR_KEY_NOT_WRAPPABLE                 = 0x00000069;
public const int CKR_KEY_UNEXTRACTABLE                 = 0x0000006A;

public const int CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID                 = 0x00000070;
public const int CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID           = 0x00000071;

 * were removed for v2.0 */
public const int CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID             = 0x00000082;
public const int CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE                  = 0x00000090;
public const int CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED         = 0x00000091;
public const int CKR_PIN_INCORRECT                     = 0x000000A0;
public const int CKR_PIN_INVALID                       = 0x000000A1;
public const int CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE                     = 0x000000A2;

/* CKR_PIN_EXPIRED and CKR_PIN_LOCKED are new for v2.0 */
public const int CKR_PIN_EXPIRED                       = 0x000000A3;
public const int CKR_PIN_LOCKED                        = 0x000000A4;

public const int CKR_SESSION_CLOSED                    = 0x000000B0;
public const int CKR_SESSION_COUNT                     = 0x000000B1;
public const int CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID            = 0x000000B3;
public const int CKR_SESSION_PARALLEL_NOT_SUPPORTED    = 0x000000B4;
public const int CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY                 = 0x000000B5;
public const int CKR_SESSION_EXISTS                    = 0x000000B6;

 * CKR_SESSION_READ_WRITE_SO_EXISTS are new for v2.0 */
public const int CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY_EXISTS          = 0x000000B7;
public const int CKR_SESSION_READ_WRITE_SO_EXISTS      = 0x000000B8;

public const int CKR_SIGNATURE_INVALID                 = 0x000000C0;
public const int CKR_SIGNATURE_LEN_RANGE               = 0x000000C1;
public const int CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE               = 0x000000D0;
public const int CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT             = 0x000000D1;
public const int CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT                 = 0x000000E0;
public const int CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED              = 0x000000E1;
public const int CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED             = 0x000000E2;
public const int CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID     = 0x000000F0;
public const int CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_SIZE_RANGE         = 0x000000F1;
public const int CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT  = 0x000000F2;
public const int CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN            = 0x00000100;
public const int CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN                = 0x00000101;
public const int CKR_USER_PIN_NOT_INITIALIZED          = 0x00000102;
public const int CKR_USER_TYPE_INVALID                 = 0x00000103;

 * are new to v2.01 */
public const int CKR_USER_ANOTHER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN    = 0x00000104;
public const int CKR_USER_TOO_MANY_TYPES               = 0x00000105;

public const int CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_INVALID               = 0x00000110;
public const int CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_LEN_RANGE             = 0x00000112;
public const int CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID       = 0x00000113;
public const int CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_SIZE_RANGE           = 0x00000114;
public const int CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT    = 0x00000115;
public const int CKR_RANDOM_SEED_NOT_SUPPORTED         = 0x00000120;

/* These are new to v2.0 */
public const int CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG                     = 0x00000121;
public const int CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  = 0x00000150;
public const int CKR_SAVED_STATE_INVALID               = 0x00000160;
public const int CKR_INFORMATION_SENSITIVE             = 0x00000170;
public const int CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE                  = 0x00000180;

/* These are new to v2.01 */
public const int CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED          = 0x00000190;
public const int CKR_CRYPTOKI_ALREADY_INITIALIZED      = 0x00000191;
public const int CKR_MUTEX_BAD                         = 0x000001A0;
public const int CKR_MUTEX_NOT_LOCKED                  = 0x000001A1;

public const int CKR_FUNCTION_REJECTED = 0x00000200;

public const int CKR_VENDOR_DEFINED                    = unchecked((int)0x80000000);

public const int CKR_INTERNAL_PKCS11_ERROR = unchecked((int)CKR_VENDOR_DEFINED | 0x0FFFFFFF);
public const int CKR_NCRYPTOKIMNGD_NOT_FOUND = unchecked((int)CKR_VENDOR_DEFINED | 0x0FFFFFFE);
public const int CKR_TRIAL_EXPIRED = unchecked((int)CKR_VENDOR_DEFINED | 0x0FFFFFFD);