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VB6 Tutorial
Modified on 2013/01/27 21:28
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This tutorial shows briefly the following procedures: * Setup NCryptoki * Create and initialize a Cryptoki object * Get the list of available slots * Open a session * Login * Generate an RSA key pai * Search for an object * Encrypt some text. ===Setup NCryptoki in Visual Basic 6=== In order to use NCryptoki in a Visual Basic 6 application it must be registered by regasm. Open a DOS shell and type the following lines: {{regasm /tlb /codebase <yourpathtoncryproki>/NCryptoki.dll<font color="#555555" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br/></font>}} {{regasm /tlb /codebase <yourpathtoncryproki>/NCryptokiMngd.dll }} Then to use NCryptoki in your project you must add the type library ncryptoki.tlb in the refences of your Visual Basic project @@ Dim ctoki As Cryptoki Dim slots As SlotList Dim slt As Slot Dim tkn As Token Dim sess As Session Dim sessInfo As Session Dim objs As CryptokiObjects Dim I As Integer ' Creates new Cryptoki object Set ctoki = New Cryptoki ' attach to pkcs11 module ctoki.Attach ("SmaOScki.dll") ' initialize ctoki.Initialize ' Get available slots Set slots = ctoki.slots ' Get the first slot Set slt = slots.GetSlot(1) ' Wait for a smart card inserted Do While Not sltInfo.IsTokenPresent MsgBox ("Insert Smart Card") ctoki.WaitForSlotEvent (0) Loop ' Get the token Set tkn = slt.Token ' Open a session Set sess = tkn.OpenSession(CKF_RW_SESSION Or CKF_SERIAL_SESSION) ' Login sess.Login CKU_USER, "64005666" ' Prepares the templates to generate a key pair Dim attrListPub As CryptokiCollection Dim attrListPri As CryptokiCollection Dim mech As Mechanism Dim att As ObjectAttribute Set attrListPub = New CryptokiCollection Set attrListPri = New CryptokiCollection ' creates attributes object Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_CLASS, CKO_PUBLIC_KEY attrListPub.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_TOKEN, True attrListPub.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_PRIVATE, True attrListPub.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_ENCRYPT, True attrListPub.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_LABEL, "My Key" attrListPub.Add att ' creates attributes object Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_CLASS, CKO_PRIVATE_KEY attrListPri.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_TOKEN, True attrListPri.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_PRIVATE, True attrListPri.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_DECRYPT, True attrListPri.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_LABEL, "My Key" attrListPri.Add att ' Set mechanism Set mech = New Mechanism Dim val(1) As Byte val(0) = 1 mech.Set CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, val(0) Dim pubKey As PublicKey Dim priKey As PrivateKey sess.GenerateKeyPair mech, attrListPub, attrListPri, pubKey, priKey ' Find Object just created Dim attrList As CryptokiCollection Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_CLASS, CKO_PUBLIC_KEY attrList.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_TOKEN, True attrList.Add att Set att = New ObjectAttribute att.Set CKA_PRIVATE, True attrList.Add att Dim objList As CryptokiCollection Set objList = objs.Find(attrList, 4) ' prepare buffer to encrypt Dim toEncrypt(10) As Byte Dim encrypted() As Byte For I = 0 To 10 toEncrypt(I) = &H41 ' A Next mech.Set CKM_RSA_PKCS, Nothing sess.EncryptInit mech, objList.Item(0) encrypted = sess.Encrypt(toEncrypt(0)) @@
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